Education & Food


A. India ranks 92 in education among 145 countries. Indian education system has been very effective till 30 years back when so much of information was not available in the knowledge market when Indian students carried super heavyweight loads of education made them more knowledgeable, hard working, passionate and being capable of taking up greater loads at workplace than others while being knowledgeable, committed and efficient. Individual excellence, multi tasking abilities and being over committed (always not by passion but by compulsion too) Indian workforce did leave great impacts in developments of many nations in the world outside India. However, since post 90's the scene had changed a lot and though several Indian origin global CEOs and CTOs were talk of the industries but in an era of technological advancements, information clutter, skills over knowledge, effectiveness over efficiency, teamwork over individual excellence, employability over bookish knowledge, peoples' skills over doing work in isolation, abilities to mix and work in cross-cultural workplaces over working within in own community, thinking and acting global over being prisoners of own mindsets, inabilities to catch up with global communities with greater social skills, etc. are some of the most gray areas which Indian education system had failed to address in past 3 decades. Indian economy has been overwhelmed with millions of new jobs where western multinationals exploited and exploiting Indians for 12-14 hours a day on a fraction of western salary as cheap labor force while Indian economy celebrated it as success of Indian education and intellect but none of the Indian universities ranking respectively even in Asian ranking. The Employability Index of Indian engineering and management graduates had sharply fallen down from 25% in 2004 to 7% in 2016 and at the same time India's Human Development Index remains in extremely low when thousands of new universities including dozens of IITs and IIMs were set up and Indian government had spend tens of billions on skill developments with thousands of organizations including India's biggest business houses taking out thousands of crores in the name of skill development when no skills were developed and no innovations took place. Last 3 decades also had witnessed the entry of lakes of foreign professionals entering in India to work on 4-10 times greater salary and perks as they found to be better skilled and effective. Indian education system needs a thorough overhauling and restructuring which is not possible to initiate by the nexus of political class, bureaucratic fraternity and academic mafia that spearhead India's education policies, formulate strategies and manages Indian private and public education. The question is does India wants to improve its education system? .

B. It is not rocket science but when that honest intention does not exist, "chalta hai" attitude dominating the entire society, "will not do better and will not allow others to do better" attitude continue to rule the society, community, economy and the country .... does brave politicians, universities, institutions and policy makers exist in India who can spearhead the change in Indian education or will they allow and encourage visionary educationists and academic leaders to pilot country's much needed educational reforms to enhance quality of education in India to be in top 50 in next 10 years.

C. For a child's wholesome development, a proper diet and primary healthcare are crucial. To avoid long-term and, in some circumstances, irreversible damage to a child's health, timely, regular, and appropriate intake of basic nourishment is required for all children. At Devipeeth India, we think that children's rights must be protected and that includes protecting children from starvation and bad health, regardless of their socio-economic status.

The nutrition received in the first 1000 days of children’s lives is crucial. It helps in their physical, mental and cognitive development but the reality is that 89% of children between 6-23 months DO NOT get an adequate diet in India .They are deprived of nutritional care due to poverty, lack of resources and awareness, which makes them vulnerable to malnutrition.

The stronger a child's health is, the more likely they are to reach their full potential and prosper in the future. However, malnutrition in India is responsible for two out of every three child deaths under the age of five. Many groups in India have been affected by the pandemic, particularly children from marginalized communities. The long-term effects of the corona virus outbreak have worsened the situation with school closures leading to the suspension of the school midday meal and the loss of family income etc.

Children have suffered enough but this must stop as they require regular and proper monitoring and care, timely immunizations and adequate nutrition; instead of hunger, health problems, and varied forms of child abuse. At 48.2 million, India already has the highest number of malnourished children in the world. To help improve this scenario, Devipeeth India Foundation’s on-ground team healthy food has been focusing .

  1. To reduce infant/child mortality, we have been regularly monitoring the health of children.
  2. Vaccinating children on a regular basis to prevent exposure to other dangerous diseases is a priority that should not be overlooked.
  3. Providing lactating and pregnant moms with timely care.
  4. The Devipeeth India Foundation teams have been partnering with local government systems, village leaders, and some of educationalist to join hands and work together to synchronize the poject of free education for children.
  5. Our health and nutrition programs take a proactive and responsive approach to decrease India’s infant mortality rate (IMR), the child mortality rate (CMR), and the maternal mortality rate (MMR).

Your donation to Devipeeth India Foundation, one of the most trusted NGO, can help make a difference. You can also avail an income tax exemption on your generous contribution. Support Devipeeth India Foundation now!

  • 500 will pay for a month’s worth of medicine
  • 750 will pay for all emergency administrative costs involved
  • 1350wil provide one month’s housing for one client
  • 1500 will cover monthly costs involved in providing meals for one client
  • 3000 will provide on-going professional medical medical care & support

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